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Philippine Normal University


PNU-Mindanao shall become an internationally recognized and nationally responsive teacher education University specializing in multicultural education. As the established producer of knowledge workers in the field of education, it shall be the primary source of high quality teachers and and education managers that can directly inspire and shape the quality of Filipino students and graduates in the country and the world.

PNU is dedicated to nurturing innovative teachers and education leaders


To support the vision, PNU Mindanao shall:

1. institute quality and culturally responsive teacher education programs;

2. produce innovative education leaders, and research scholars;

3. conduct quality researches to improve its curricular programs to meet the felt needs of the mainstream and marginalized sectors of the community;

4. undertake local and global partnership, and extension services with the varied sectors

of the community and;

5. generate teacher-enhancement programs and develop instructional materials sensitive to context and culture.


To develop teachers who are:

1. educated persons with holistic understanding, intellectual and civic competencies; and

2. reflective, responsive and discipline grounded specialists.


1. To produce culturally-committed, technologically-skilled and globally-competitive teachers;

2. To equip students with academic competencies and prepare them for professional roles as teachers and educational leaders;

3. To promote research culture that can address academic issues and concerns on quality instruction, capability building and educational policies and practices;

4. To strengthen institutional and global linkages, collaboration and networking for the sharing of expertise and resources.

5. To conduct knowledge-based projects for sustainability.

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