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Role of Teachers in Curriculum

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

Write a general reflection on your role as a teacher as curricularists in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating school curriculum.

The curriculum is the raison d'etre of education, the very substance of schooling. A curriculum carries the beliefs, values, attitudes, skills, knowledge and all that education is about. In today's society, formal education cannot occur without a curriculum, for it offers a measurable strategy and framework for providing quality education to teachers, students, administrators, and community stakeholders.

In the process of curriculum, the nature of designing, organizing, developing, planning, implementing, and evaluating a curriculum requires the expertise of a teacher. Their knowledge, experiences, and competencies make them central to curriculum effort. The role of teachers, as curricularists in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating a school curriculum, together with other educators, school leaders, and curriculum development team, is to be active in the curriculum planning, implementation, and evaluation to promote the holistic development of the child and learner and to achieve the desired vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the department or the institution.

As the most knowledgeable about teaching and the needs of students, the teacher's involvement in planning allows the content of the curriculum to be aligned with the various needs of students in the classroom. In the development of curriculum, their opinions and ideas have exceptional benefit as they are the one who knows how to select the best learning strategies, approaches, activities in teaching to support better learning. Likewise, in implementation, their role as the mediator between curriculum and students, and being the implementers, is part of the curriculum development process necessary for translating the curriculum document into action. Lastly, in the evaluation, the role of determining the lapses of curriculum to improve and meet the needs and current demands of the culture, society, and the expectations of the population being served, is done through them.

Undoubtedly, the role of teachers plays an integral part in the curriculum process. The success of any educational policy depends on them. Their knowledge and expertise contribute to an effective plan, design, implementation, and evaluation of a school curriculum. They have an essential part in creating a solid and effective curriculum and for schools to be successful.

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